2007 Florida Buddhist Summer Camp
Registration: July 5 (Thursday) 4:00 PM
Closing date: July 9 (Monday) Noon
Classes for everyone: Chinese Adult; English Adult; Youth; Children
Suggested Donation: Entire Event: adult $45, child $35; One Day: adult $15, child $10
(fees will cover all meals and class materials; tax deductible)
Lodging: $42 per room per day (Apply before May 31, 2007 to enjoy this special rate.
Reservation made through GBA will be tax exempted.)
Ven. Master Hsien Ming
Ven. Ming Kuang (Camp Director, Taipei Taiwan)
Ven. Jian Hu (Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, www.ctzen.org/sunnyvale)
Bhante Dhammawansha (The Dhamma Wheel Meditation Society, http://www.dwms.org/)
Ven. Jian Cheng (Buddhism lecturer traveling in the U.S., Taiwan, and China)
Ven. Chueh Young (Fo Guan Shan Guang Ming Temple, www.ibs.org/florida)
Ven. Chih Yueh (Fa Yun Monastery, http://www.fayun.org/)
Ven Chih Cheng (Fa Yun Monastery, http://www.fayun.org/)
Layman instructors are also invited to teach the Youth and Children groups.
Request for Application Forms:
Central Florida – Lisa Lynch 407-616-6082
East Florida – John Yoepp and Dawn Tepperman 321-951-5933
South Florida - David Tseng 305-274-3764
West Florida – Lily Lee 941-306-3358
North Florida – Hao Yu Mao 352-846-5695
Closing date for application: May 31, 2007
Mail application to: Charles
Shieh, 10151 University Blvd., PMB166, Orlando, FL 32817
Camp Inquiries: Charles (H) 407-677-6599; (C) 321-223-3989; E-Mail: csenvironmental@aol.com